Sunday, November 11, 2007

Antique African Bead Necklace

Nov. 11, 2007
Antique African Trade Bead Necklace

Today I want to tell you a little about the necklace I have listed on eBay that was made by African Bambuti forest Pygmies, for Jean Pierre Hallet to auction at fund raisers for the peoples of Africa.

Mr. Hallet was a Belgian government employee when he began his love affair with Africa, but he soon became a "rouge". His first book, Congo Kitabu, tells of his earliest adventures there and if you read it you may be tempted to think 'this can't possibly be true' - but it all is true. He was a Powerful, Gentle Giant, following his heart's desire to learn to know about and protect the indigenous people of The Dark Continent. He did seemingly impossible things, practical and dangerous things - even got his right hand blown off by dynamite and then drove himself to a hospital! The man was unstoppable! He never doubted himself or his abilities. He's as close to a real Tarzan as our modern world has ever had!

I met JP in Hawaii, swimming in the ocean, in the mid 60's. He was there at the beginning of his world book tour for Congo Kitabu. We literally bumped into one another while swimming, and after some laughing about it we walked up the beach together. By then he had told me a little of his "story" and I was enthralled! I introduced him to my boyfriend, who introduced him around the beach club and soon we had a huge gathering of spell bound people, listening to this man's descriptions of his extraordinary life. I organized a small dinner party for him the next evening and drove him to the airport when he flew out. To say I was deeply impressed would be a major understatement.

Many year later a friend showed me this necklace, telling me it was made by African Pygmies. I immediately knew Mr. Hallet had to have been involved - and sure enough, she had acquired the necklace at a LA auction years before. After telling her my stories about meeting him she decided to give me the necklace. It has been on display at my home for over 25 years. Now that I am scaling down my life and possessions it seems like a good time to pass it on to a new admirer - a collector, or a museum - or someone who will proudly wear it! You can click the following link if you would like to see the piece on eBay.

Gifting Regifting Giving Regiving Accepting Receiving

How is it that Hanukkah, Kwanzaa and Christmas come about at the same time of year? That could be a lot of expensive gift giving for some folks! May I suggest that you shop at Rosemoon Mystery Company, on eBay? You will find a wide array of goods. A lot of things are Collectible Vintage items, which make great presents because they are unique, uncommon, and could even be an opportunity to give something different - a gift of laughter - because of your imagination, your search, and your choice of something that resonates "this is so you"!

I'm trying to include more gifts for men, but I don't have a man, so I don't have any "man stuff"! Well, actually I do have some very nice Vintage Tools, Vintage Photos & Camera Accessories and a few Neckties for when all else fails! Or when you see one that you actually wouldn't mind seeing him wear!

For the women we have our typical eclectic assortment of jewelry, from Contemporary to Ethnic, and from Old to the New. Then there's the Vintage Kitchenware, which is not necessarily just for Collectors! Remember that some of your children have never seen a Bottle Cap Opener, or an egg cup, or an Amazing, Fabulous, Brilliant Crystal Mineral Specimen to give the gift of Wonder and Enchantment!

You'll be amazed at how easy it is to shop from home, and have your purchases Sent To Your door - No crowds, no parking problems, no gasoline expense, no time spent in a line, or trying to get away from an unhelpful sales person that just doesn't 'get you' - that would tell you 'you deserve to buy something for yourself' - because that is what she was trained to do! If you're old enough you can even have an alcoholic drink while you shop - to relieve some of the stress and pressure to find 'just the right thing' - especially of you are one that waits until the last minute, not because you mean it to be that way, it's just that you were waiting for your enthusiasm to pick up, to motivate you into action. Deadlines, like other limitations, help us become more focused on getting "it" done!

So relax, put on some music that you like, have your drink and get comfortable in front of your computer - and Do Your Shopping the Smart, Effective, Easy way, without leaving the comfort of your own home!

Be sure to Contact me, at if you would like some help with ideas and suggestions for that "hard to shop for" guy or gal. And just let me know if you're in a rush, need a gift wrapped, a card included, a shipment to another address, directly to your person of choice.

Let's meet up on eBay! Rosie